We provide UI/UX design for mobile apps, write clean code, and assist in releasing mobile apps to stores.


Custom mobile app development

Our team has engineered more than 200 web-based apps. The list includes applications for Forex trading and betting, healthcare, construction, hotel management systems, and real estate marketplaces.

  • Build the interface design and develop the app within 3-4 months.
  • Optimize the app so it was seamlessly accepted by Google Play and App Store.

Tech stack

We use these and many other technologies while dealing with custom mobile app development. Using them, we ensure high performance, a high level of data security, and quick development that saves the resources of our customers.

React Native apps

React Native
Mobile framework for creating cross-platform apps

Platform for maintaining React Native apps

Coding language compatible with React Native

EAS update
Tool for immediate updating and bug fixing

Native iOS apps

Coding language for creating iOS apps

Framework for building user interfaces for iOS devices

Open-source database

Tool for making data requests

Native Android apps

Coding language for creating Android apps

Kotlin framework

Jetpack Compose
Toolkit for building native Android UI

Tool that allows Android apps to execute multiple processes without slowing down

How do we deliver custom mobile app development services?

  1. Gather requirements
  2. Create UI/UX design based on the results of analytics
  3. Plan 2-3 week sprints
  4. Establish scalable architecture and write clear code
  5. Make sure the software runs stably
  6. Release the software to the store.
  7. Maintain the app after the release.
Cross-platform Native
Technologies React Native (JavaScript) Swift for iOS Kotlin for Android
Code Shared code for both platforms Separate coding for both platforms
UI/UX Native look and feel Native look and feel
Performance Might have lower performance compared to native mobile applications Optimized for iOS and Android platforms
Access to native features May have a delayed access to native features if these are introduced right before the custom app development process Full instant access to native features
Development time App development service performed faster due to shared codebase Might take longer as separate coding is required for each platform
Maintenance and updates Due to a shared codebase, a mobile application is easy to maintain and update. As each operation system is built with different technologies, each requires separate maintenance
Community support Very active community support Specific to platform community support

What does the app development price depend on?

The cost of developing a custom app depends on several key factors. Here's what can influence the price:

  • Complexity and feature set
  • Platform choice
  • Design requirements
  • Integration points
  • Maintenance plan
  • Project timeline


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