Welcome to the world of CSS selectors and specificity!
In this series of slides, we'll unravel the mysteries behind styling web elements using CSS selectors and understand how specificity plays a crucial role in determining which styles take precedence. Let's dive in and level up your CSS game!
Selector Basics
Selectors target HTML elements for styling. Here's a basic example using the element selector:
Class Selectors
Classes allow you to target specific HTML elements.
Here's how you can use a class selector:
ID Selectors
IDs provide a unique identifier for elements. Example of an ID selector:
Attribute Selectors
Select elements based on their attributes. Example of an attribute selector:
Combining Selectors
Combine selectors to target specific elements precisely. Example of combining selectors:
Specificity determines which CSS rule is applied to an element. It's crucial to understand this concept for effective styling.
Specificity Hirarchy
Specificity determines which CSS rule is applied to an element. It's crucial to understand this concept for effective styling.
Here's the CSS specificity hierarchy from least specific to most specific:
!important Rule
The !important rule can override specificity but should be used sparingly. Example of using !important